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Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011
Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011
Cultures of Corruption: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets
Corruption is believed to be a major factor impeding economic development, but the importance of legal enforcement versus cultural norms in controlling corruption is poorly understood. To disentangle these two factors, we exploit a natural experiment, the stationing of thousands of diplomats from around the world in New York City. Diplomatic immunity means there was essentially zero legal enforcement of diplomatic parking violations, allowing us to examine the role of cultural norms alone. This generates a revealed preference measure of corruption based on real-world behavior for government officials all acting in the same setting. We find tremendous persistence in corruption norms: diplomats from high corruption countries (based on existing survey-based indices) have significantly more parking violations. In a second main result, officials from countries that survey evidence indicates have less favorable popular views of the United States commit significantly more parking violations, providing nonlaboratory evidence on the role that sentiment and affinity play in economic decision-making.
source :
Parking Enforcement
Automate the Parking Citation ProcessIncrease revenue and decrease cost by enforcing parking rules effectively. Most municipalities use a paper-based system to enforce regulations. Parking enforcement officers write out tickets in a serialized book; once back at the station these tickets are then entered into the main system by data entry clerks. While this system works, it has many areas where human error, in both typos and illegible handwriting can open the door to parking citations being lost and/or thrown out in court. In addition, the second step of manual data entry is redundant and time consuming, delaying the process of bringing in revenue. | |
The Equipment | |
HHP Dolphin 9500 The Dolphin 9500 features the most advanced area-imaging and communications technology. You can use the 9500 to scan barcodes, capture images, key in information, and transmit that data back to your host system. The full-color touch screen and IP64 rating ensure that the 9500 will stand up to any outdoor environment. Equipped with a strong battery pack, the 9500 will work for the full shift of all of your officers. Features:
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Zebra QL320 The Zebra QL320 mobile printer has been designed with the most advanced technology in rubberized over molding to maintain rugged construction with minimal weight. With center-loading media, smart battery monitoring, and an optional LCD, the Zebra QL320 provides user-friend options to keep your officers on the go. Features:
The Solution
By automating the process, a parking enforcement officer enters all of the information on a handheld device, either through drop-down list functionality, scanning barcodes, or by handkeying. Once the information is entered, including the location of the violation, the violation type, as well as the violating vehicles information, a citation is printed on the portable Zebra printer which is then left on the violator’s windshield.Upon returning to the station, the parking enforcement officer simply drops their Dolphin 9500 into its cradle and the information is transmitted back to the system.What used to take hours to re-enter by hand can now be done in a matter of seconds. This cuts the time it takes a ticket enter into the main system from around 10 days to being entered in at the end of each officers shift.PARKIR SEPEDA GANTUNG
Bersepada ke tempat kerja memang sangat bagus dan menyehatkan. Namun, tampaknya sarana pendukung para pengendara sepeda belum memadai. Contohnya sarana parkir untuk sepeda. Hal ini yang membuat Manifesto Architecture berencana untuk membuat sebuah lahan parkir sepeda yang modern. Bukan dengan menjajarkan sepeda-sepeda itu, tapi mereka berniat membuat parkir sepeda yang digantung. Program Bike Hanger memanfaatkan sisi gedung yang tidak terpakai sebagai lahan parkir. Dengan menggunakan sistem katrol, sepeda-sepeda itu akan digantung layaknya sebuah pameran. Cukup dengan memanfaatkan sisi gedung yang tidak terpakai sepeda-sepeda itu dapat disimpan dengan aman. Proyek ini membutuhkan dana sebesar US$ 100,000 atau setara dengan Rp 900.000.000.
10 Tempat Parkir Otomatis dan Modern di Dunia !
10 Tempat Parkir Otomatis dan Modern di Dunia !
1.'The amazing VW Autostadt'
2.'Cardok, secret room car elevator'
3.'1930s Automatic Car Park'
4.'System Grando - Cylindrical car parking system'
5.'Dubai Robot car park'
6.'Pigeonhole Parking Lot'
7.'Mechanical Underground Parking Station Systems'
8.'Robotic Car Park, Breach Candy Mumbai'
9.'Automated Car Parking System'
10.'Carsafe by Westfalia Technologies, Inc.'
2.'Cardok, secret room car elevator'
3.'1930s Automatic Car Park'
4.'System Grando - Cylindrical car parking system'
5.'Dubai Robot car park'
6.'Pigeonhole Parking Lot'
7.'Mechanical Underground Parking Station Systems'
8.'Robotic Car Park, Breach Candy Mumbai'
9.'Automated Car Parking System'
10.'Carsafe by Westfalia Technologies, Inc.'
sumber :
Selasa, 08 Juli 2008 Dikaji, Kelola Parkir Berbasis Teknologi Senin, 07 Juli 2008SURABAYA ––Tarik ulur system parkir yang akan diterapkan di Surabaya masih belum selesai dibahas Pansus Raperda Parkir. Karena berlarut-larut, pansus kembali melirik sistem parkir–e-enforcement, yakni sistem parkir berbasis teknologi yang telah diterapkan di Malaysia. Jumat (4/6) lalu, pansus kembali mengundang PT Digital Sistem Semesta (DSS), perusahaan pemegang lisensi dari AIM Force Malaysia (pengelola sistem parkir di Malaysia), untuk kembali melakukan presentasi. Sebenarnya, pada 2007 PT DSS sempat melakukan presentasi. Namun, belum-belum dinas perhubungan menolak system tersebut. Presentasi pekan lalu itu membuat dewan kepincut. “Kami melihatnya bagus. Kami bisa mengadopsi dan akan kami masukkan dalam draf raperda,” terang ketua Pansus Raperda Parkir Yulyani.m Kader PKS itu mengatakan, eenforcement akan melengkapi lima sistem parkir yang sudah ada. Lima sistem tersebut adalah prabayar,pascabayar, berlangganan, zona, dan progresif. Hanya, kata Yulyani,dibutuhkan waktu untuk menerapkan sistem baru itu.“Dengan berbasis teknologi, tentu saja harus dibangun sarana dan prasarana penunjang lainnya,” papar dia. “Mungkin dua atau tiga tahun lagi. Itu pun perlu uji coba,” tambahnya. Untuk itu, jelas Yulyani, dishub telah merancang sejumlah kawasan yang akan dijadikan pilot project. Intinya, pemkot ingin sistem parker berbasis teknologi itu sendiri tidak ujug-ujug diterapkan, namun dilakukan sosialisasi terlebih dahulu. Dari hasil pemaparan, e-enforcement parking cukup menjanjikan. Sistemnya dirancang agar bias melingkupi beberapa hal. Misalnya, melayani penjualan kupon parkir, penerapan hand held terminal dan pengenalan nomor polisi (nopol) kendaraan. Sistem tersebut juga dikonsep supaya bisa melakukan denda atas pelanggaran parkir. Sistem itu juga mampu melayani parkir dengan sistem prabayar, pascabayar, berlangganan, parkir zona, dan sistem parkir progresif. Teknis pengoperasiannya cukup menggunakan alat yang bernama Dolphin, yang seukuran dengan ponsel kelas komunikator. Selain untuk membaca barcode parkir, alat itu juga dilengkapi dengan kamera, inframerah, GPRS, bluetooth, dan printer aktif. Alat inilahyang dipakai untuk aplikasi system parkir di lapangan. Misalnya, kamera digunakan untuk mengabadikan bukti kesalahan jika kendaraan yang diparkir melanggar rambu. Sedangkan inframerah dipakai untuk mengecek barcode parkir.Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Mas Bambang Suprihadi belum dapat dikonfirmasi terkait dengan masalah itu. Ketika dihubungi, ada nada masuk dari ponselnya, tapi tidak diangkat.dikutip dari sumber : |
Daftar Peringkat Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia Tahun 2011 -- Univ. Kristen Petra Surabaya
Rangking Indonesia/ Dunia | Universitas | Ukuran | visibilitas | Jumlah file | ||
1/583 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | 501 | 815 | 1,152 | ||
2/599 | University of Indonesia | 438 | 969 | 634 | ||
3/770 | Institute of Technology Bandung | 444 | 908 | 919 | ||
4/1000 | Airlangga University | 1,084 | 1,223 | 521 | ||
5/1004 | Diponegoro University | 558 | 2,477 | 1,780 | ||
6/1007 | Petra Christian University | 308 | 2,295 | 802 | ||
7/1010 | Gunadarma University | 646 | 1,510 | 686 | ||
8/1015 | Andalas University | 2,234 | 1,590 | 639 | ||
9/1017 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | 1,029 | 1,506 | 1,883 | ||
10/1018 | Universitas Negeri Malang * | 1,958 | 1,495 | 1,080 |
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